It seems like this year has just flown by.... how can it already be September? My sweet bug will be 9 on the 22nd of this month... holy jeeze!!!! There is no way my sweet little girl can be half way through elementary school and 9 years old!!! Yeesh!! Everyday she amazes me more and more and I am so very thankful that God chose me to be her momma!
What makes this upcoming birthday even more emotional for me is the fact that we will soon have another little nugget joining our family. When nugget celebrates their 9th birthday my sweet bug will be... give me a minute while I catch my breath... 18. That means she will be getting ready to graduate high school.... she will be ready for college... she will be moving to either Austin or Fort Worth (we have declared that she can only attend UT or TCU, duh). I am SO not ready for all that!!!
For now though, she is my sweet Kalie bug and thats all that matters. Oh, and she still thinks I'm pretty cool.... most of the time.